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If you have been feeling more energetically porous, psychically drained, and ungrounded lately, you are NOT alone!  Join me and Opulent Witch for a workshop, guided journey and energetic work centered around ritual practices of psychic protection. This class will be held via Zoom and is for all levels of context and experience. 

Ethereal Element: Rituals in self-clearing and Psychic Protection Magic sign ups close on Tuesday, 5/18 in anticipation of the live via Zoom class held on 5/23 from 1-4pm. Sign up now to secure a spot!

It might be time to explore and harness additional tools for psychic protection and energetic boundaries if you:

- Struggle with discerning what emotions and energies belong to you and which belong to those around you

- Find yourself energetically drained after interacting with others more frequently than not

- Have your own ritual or Tarot practice and are struggling with building a foundational practice to support your own energetic maintenance

- Get overwhelmed easily

-Feel lingering funky energy in your force field or home

- Find yourself shutting down or coming up on blockages around your relationship to your own intuitive process

- Find yourself becoming dependent on energy workers or Tarot readers

- Are looking for more coping skills surrounding autonomy, self agency, self honor and boundaries  

We will be exploring:

- Basic principals of psychic protection

- Boundary magic 101

- The difference between anxiety and intuition and how that informs our relationship to clearing our psychic field

- Daily techniques and rituals for energetic sovereignty 

- Binding, banishing and cord cuttings 

- Using our magical process as a tool for resistance and revolution

- Energetic accountability 

Workshop attendees will receive a packet seven days before the class that include suggested practices of self clearing and boundary work to start incorporating into your daily practice in anticipation of the class.  

Note: A recording of the class will be available to watch afterwards. For the energetic hygiene and psychic safety of everyone, and to keep the container for this class consistent and strong, we ask that you do your absolute best to commit to being present for the full workshop. Ample restroom, stretch + snack breaks will be provided!

Ethereal Element is $55 with a 40% discount code available to all Patreon tiers of $11 or up, and pay what you can for queer/trans/BIPOC/SWer communities. To sign up, join my Patreon or sign up directly here.  

Earlier Event: May 18