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Armor of Roses: Psychic Protection Foundations


Armor of Roses: Psychic Protection Foundations

A six-class series on autonomy, boundaries, self clearing and psychic protection

Co facilitated by The Opulent Witch and Wild Heart Healing 

Occurring Sunday Sep 19th, Oct 17, Nov 21, Dec 19, Jan 16, Feb 20th

 1-5pm PST live via Zoom, recordings available for those unable to attend the live.

To purchase the second class in the series, occurring on Oct 17 visit this link.

 This is a six-class, monthly series that explores the vast magic available in all things related to psychic protection, through the framework of  integrity, ethics, autonomy, and accountability! Each month we will explore a different component of psychic protection using a blend of lecture, ritual, visualization, divination, and hands-on practice.  This class is for all levels of experiential context and working relationship with these concepts. 


It is asked of you to treat this offering as an initiatory threshold of deepening your relationship to these foundational practices. For that reason, we ask that you please only attend the classes live if you are able to commit to being present for the full four hours of our time together- ample breaks will be provided throughout our class time. If for any reason you anticipate needing to join late or leave early, we ask that you please hold off on attending the live class and watch the recorded video after instead. Thank you for respecting this boundary! 


For those who want to deepen their relationship with themselves through foundational practices of autonomy, self agency and accountability

Those with a magical practice seeking more foundational support on all subjects of psychic protection

Those who are less familiar with these topics but seeking more ways to integrate ritual and boundary work in their daily life

Those who get overwhelmed, depleted or are at-capacity easily

Those who find themselves in community with energy vampires

Those who have trouble discerning what energies or emotions are theirs vs what belongs to others 

Those who currently have a ritual or divination practice and are looking for ways to avoid psychic burn out 


Oct 17: Self Clearing

Energetic maintenance and hygiene are vital to every day protection and tending. Just like brushing our teeth and showering, we can clear our energetic field daily. In this class we will cover what self clearing is, and how to activate it by way of various forms- visualizations, prayer, invocation, physical ritual, divination, and the use of tactile tools.


Nov 21: Protection and Boundaries 

Boundaries are vital to fortified, sovereign and autonomous relationships with self and others! In this class, we will dive deep into the magic that is available in boundary setting, including creating containers, accountability spells, and ritual work for both setting and honoring boundaries as a reflective tool for self growth and healing. 


Dec 19: Cord tending, Cord Cuttings ***Please note, this class is only available for those who have attended all six sessions.***

This class will explore cord cuttings and cord tending as well as an exploration of the dynamics that are inherently created in the cords we have with those around us. As this class falls the day before the winter solstice, we will also celebrate Yule! 


Jan 16: Banishment and Keep Away Magic  ***Please note, this class is only available for those who have attended all six sessions.***

Battle magic 101 - what is banishing, and what is binding? How can we implement these tools to access collective healing and curse unravelling from systems of oppression? This class will explore pre and post battle magic ritual care, integrity checks, what happens when the aftermath of the spell is more messy than before, and the ethics of keep-away magic.


Feb 20th: Integration, Initiation 

This class will be a blend of lecture, ritual, visualization and hands on practice as we integrate and practice all of the techniques explored and practiced during the six month container. ***Please note, this class is only available for those who have attended all six sessions.***




Sep 19: Intuitive Development

Our psychic senses and gifts are like muscles (that everyone has!) that can be developed and honed through training. We will cover the psychic centers, how to call forward your psychic gifts, the difference between channeling, intuiting, and mediumship. We will also cover the difference between anxiety and intuition and practice flexing our intuitive muscles by way of group and personal exercises and ritual with ample practices to continue to explore at home. 



This class offering is available at three different price points. Please read over the following and chose which price point most closely mirrors your own relationship to economic access.


Low tier - $25

Mid tier - $75 

Top tier - $122 

Top tier: The highest level of $122 indicates the true cost of the service and labor of each class. If you are able to pay for all needs and are in a comfortable financial position, this tier is for you. Some indicators of this: you own your car or property,  you have a salaried job or a consistent and steady income, you do not need to work at all or only work part time, you are able to travel once a year or more, you have savings, you are able to ask for or borrow money from family or friends at any time, you have consistent access to healthcare, you are able to afford taking time off when needed and have moderate expendable income  (examples: an ability to go out for food and drinks, shopping, self care such as massage, haircuts, energy work, receiving Tarot readings) 


Mid tier: The mid tier level is $75 and is available for those who have some expendable income after paying monthly bills, and are not actively concerned about struggling to ensure basic needs are met on a monthly basis but do not have the same level of expendable income or privilege of borrowing money from friends or family. 


Low tier: The low tier of $25 is available to those who struggle to cover the cost of basic needs and do not have any expendable income after monthly bills like rent or healthcare costs. 




To purchase a spot in the second class in the series, occurring on Sunday, Oct 17 from 1-5pm PST, visit this link. Please note that in the event that you are unable to attend the live, a recording will be sent within 48 hours of the class. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us directly!

Later Event: April 10
Soft Glow